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Performance Management Disabilities

Performance Management Disabilities

Best Practices for Performance Management: Fairly Evaluating Employees with Disabilities


Fairly evaluating and managing the performance of employees with disabilities is crucial. This guide provides best practices to ensure performance management disabilities evaluations are fair and compliant with their rights.

Setting Clear Expectations

Begin by setting clear, achievable performance expectations for all employees, including those with disabilities.

Define Job Requirements

Clearly define the essential functions of each job. Ensure employees understand their roles and responsibilities.

Communicate Performance Standards

Communicate performance standards openly. Make sure employees know what is expected of them and how their performance will be measured.

Providing Reasonable Accommodations

Provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities to ensure they can perform their job effectively.

Identify Necessary Accommodations

Work with the employee to identify any necessary accommodations. This may include modified equipment, flexible schedules, or assistive technology.

Implement Accommodations Promptly

Implement agreed-upon accommodations without delay. Ensure they are effective and do not create undue hardship for the organization.

Regular Performance Reviews

Conduct regular performance reviews to provide feedback and address any issues early.

Objective Evaluation Criteria

Use objective criteria to evaluate performance. Avoid bias by focusing on job-related factors.

Document Performance

Document performance evaluations thoroughly. Keep records of meetings, feedback, and any accommodations provided.

Providing Constructive Feedback

Provide constructive feedback to help employees improve their performance.

Be Specific and Honest

Give specific examples of performance issues and successes. Be honest and supportive in your feedback.

Offer Support and Resources

Offer support and resources to help employees improve. This may include additional training or mentoring.

Ensuring Compliance with Legal Requirements

Ensure that performance management practices comply with legal requirements, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Training for Managers

Provide training for managers on ADA compliance and disability awareness. Educate them on fair evaluation practices.

Review Policies Regularly

Regularly review performance management policies to ensure they remain fair and compliant.


By following these best practices, employers can fairly evaluate and manage the performance of employees with disabilities. This ensures compliance with legal requirements and promotes an inclusive, supportive workplace.

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